Monday, April 17, 2006

Mondays are always better than Sundays::

I offically hate Sundays. Okay. Since I'm acknowledging that I hate Sundays I can not and should not care what I accomplish on Sundays! Everything I accomplish yesterday probably would have taken me 4 hours on a regular day but it took me the whole day, from 11AM to midnight. I got dressed, at a whole lot of food throughout the whole day, read two readings for my History seminar, made a new blog for the seminar, wrote up my comments and thoughts about the three readings (I had read the first one a couple days before), and sent like two emails. That's about it. Eh, well since I KNOW that I can't really do anything productive on Sundays I'm going to just give into it and have Sundays be my blah days. It's good to have a blah day to just not do anything.

But today has been very good. I started my PSA (Public Service Annoucement) project for VART 85 (Digital Video Editing 2) class and I was thinking I would start that on Wednesday, so I'm ahead of the schedule I came up with for this week! Wow! If anyone even reads my blog, you're probably about to stop reading or have stopped already. This is boring stuff, this is what goes in my paper journal that nobody sees (and I don't want them to). Now to stuff that I want people to know about me....

I checked out Barbara Tuchman's The Guns of August and The Zimmerman Telegram. I'm planning on reading them. Dr. Pierce (my History seminar professor) had us read three of her essays for this Monday (the class I just got out of). I love Tuchman's tone in her essays, very conversational and readable. But sometimes it's hard to sum up and summarize conversational readings because it's like everything was great! I liked everything! But what's nice is that I don't think I have to do that for this seminar since we talk about the readings/articles on Mondays for 50 minutes and then at the end we compile all of our notes together into a paper about our observations of history and the readings; sounds pretty easy (and I'm not saying easy is bad). I think it'll be a good seminar with some nice interaction with the other students and Pierce and I figure I'll know a whole lot more about history by the end of the quarter! AND I'm fulfilling a Honors Scholar requirement. So, this seminar is good. I'm glad I'm taking it.

Since I didn't read any digital video (VART 85) stuff yesterday I should do that now because I don't want to get super behind like I did last quarter. But I do know that I got an A from that class so I didn't get so behind that I didn't know what I needed to know for the projects and quizzes.

Hmm I need to think of some better posts than just blabbing about myself and what happens during each day. Well, maybe I'll have some great insight when I read my digial video book, The Technique of Film and Video Editing written by Ken Dancyger.


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