Thursday, April 06, 2006

What do I do all day??

I found this blog and I decided to do something similar as he has done in his most recent post. Let's see how it goes::

11:00AM: got out of bed, went into family room and turned on laptop then went into kitchen and warmed up oatmeal in the microwave (does a microwave count?)

11:30AM: logged into laptop, opened Mail and Firefox. waited. One new email, read email. clicked on my bookmark tabs: my backpack homepage, blogger home page, went to my blog to see if anyone else in the world had viewed my blog (Clustr Maps), logged into mybloglog account to see again if anyone had viewed my blog, checked the blogs I frequently check (look at 'read what I read' in right column, over there -->), checked email again... at the same time of all of this, i read a new york times article, checked my email again, found that i got my 'daily insight' from the yoga journal and read it.

12:00PM: read some of the Los Altos Town Crier. my dad and I played with my digital camera.

12:30PM: blogging...

we'll see how the rest of the day goes! You would think that I wouldn't use my laptop anymore today considering that my parents and I are hopefully driving down to Santa Barbara soonish but I'm known for watching movies and looking for wireless during a long drive.


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