Wednesday, June 14, 2006

My Wish For You::

Watch the video

This is my final project for the FTV (film/TV) 86 class which I took awhile ago at school. The music is from the movie Her Majesty and is written by William Ross and the poem is called My Wish For You.


picture from

I loved Vloggercon. I haven't really processed the onslaught of information that I got during the two days. I put some notes up on my blog, some are still just drafts (and haven't been posted) since they wouldn't make a whole lot of sense to others reading them. I'll make them readable and then publish them (hopefully, I can remember what I meant when I wrote the notes...).

I met some really cool people at Vloggercon and found out about a WHOLE lot of cool stuff. And I will definitely be making this blog a vlog (videoblog) as well (soon)!

List of links::

I'm giving a list of links to my digital video class that I found mostly through Vloggercon and I figured I would post them here as well!

Definitely check out the Vloggercon schedule where you can find all of the links of presenters and companies who came to Vloggercon.

Completely Known
Conversation God
Jen Simmons' site (vlog, blog, teaching material, many resources!)
Room 132 (elementary/middle school blog)
We Are the Media - news from the vlogosphere
I Make Things - Bre Pettris' blog
Ryanne Hodson's vlog
Zadi Diaz's vlog
Modern Feminist, Brittany Shoot's vlog
Vidlicious, Female Videobloggers!
Apperceptions, Markus Sandy's blog
Josh Leo's vlog
Michael Verdi's vlog
Jay Dedman's vlog
Ebb and Flow
Richard's vlog

Vloggercon homepageInteractive Videoblogging
Video Comments, a Wordpress plugin
Digital Rights Management
Interactive Telecommunications Program at NYU
Flavored Video CommentsStanford Center for Internet and Society
Center for Social Media at American University (has TONS of resources, look around)
California Newsreel - Film and Video for Social Change
All things Web 2.0 "The List"
Our Media Learning Center
Node 101 (go to classes and learn how to vlog!)
Bay Area Node 101
Freevlog (learn how to vlog online!)
Outhink Media
Meet the Vloggers
Secrets of Videoblogging book!

for creating blogs:

Places to show/submit/host/edit your videos:
Artists' Television Access
Internet Archive
Our Media
Link TV
Eyespot (remix videos online)

Political/social change:
Echo Chamber Project
Homeless Nation

Saturday, June 10, 2006

FCP/iMovie tricks session

normal problems

look for free effects if I want effects/filters for imovie

packages you can purchase... can maybe find free downloads.

there are some useful effects that you can use also have some free downloads/ demo versions

gimp, cross platform. poor man's photoshop. look it up, get it <--- this maybe

want to use as many senses as possible in your video

push imovie to the limits

zadi diaz--

if you want to cut/edit clips to the beat then you can just listen to the music and click M (for marker) when you hear the beat. - get resources

questions: - tuturials for exported/compression rates

josh leo said he would answer questions (IM or email) and zadi said she would answer questions too

Sunday, June 04, 2006

We the People::

The Preamble::

We the People [of the United States], in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Thank you, Mr. LaPlante, for engraining this into my mind. : )

I'm reading about the late 40's and 50's (for an Honors history seminar I'm taking this quarter) and I was reading about the fifth amendment on Wikipedia since it was mentioned numerous times in the first reading, Are You Now or Have You Ever Been?, which is transcripts of the hearings by the House UnAmerican Activities Committee on Americans (many actors from Hollywood) who were suspected of being communists. And then I went to the Wikipedia page about the US Constitution and found the Preamble and sang right along with it (my social studies teacher, Mr. LaPlante, replayed over and over again this song of the Preamble)!

I'm writing more about my readings for this history seminar if you want to see.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

California Public Transportation SUCKS

I hate to use such a stupid word like sucks but it's the only thing that fits. I want to get from point A to point B. They are 3 miles apart if you go the most direct route and supposedly it would take 7 minutes by car (says MapQuest). And it takes me almost 2 hours using public transportation!! And I have to go totally out of the way, I never go on the 3 mile route that MapQuest says to go by car. I walk to a Line A Marguerite stop around 1/2 mile away, I think. Wait for the bus if I miss it because I have to walk. Spend almost a half hour on the bus. Get off at the Palo Alto Transit Center. Wait probably 20 minutes for the 35 bus. Get on the 35 (make sure it's going in the right direction) and stay on the bus for around 30 minutes. Fortunately, the bus would get off RIGHT in front of my point B destination.. however, I would probably get to my destination late considering that I would most definitely miss at least one of those buses.

Or, I could just walk the 3 miles, which would take me less time.

However, fortunately, my mom called around and found me a ride.

The three major things that were blocking me from getting from point A to point B easily are::
-I don't have my license yet (HOPEFULLY I WILL ON JUNE 13TH).
-the friend who I'm seeing at point A can't legally drive me even though she has her license.
-Public transportation SUCKS.
-oh and also, neither of my parents can drive me.. : )

It just goes to show that we, the people who vote (me excluded because I can't vote yet) and the people who decide the laws, are destroying the world. Why you ask? Because propositions get put on ballots to get more money for public transportation. Well, either public transportation doesn't get the money because the people who decide/make the laws/have the money whatever don't put stuff on ballots to get more money for public transportation or the people who can vote either don't vote at all or vote no for the propositions/laws that get the money to improve public transportation. Then public transporation sucks (sucks meaning you can't get anywhere you want without walking 5 miles and spending your whole day trying to GET wherever you want to get) so no one wants to use it and everyone has multiple cars per household and drives everywhere. And then everyone has cars so there's no use for public transportation so the people who can vote vote no on these propositions that would give money to improve public transportation because they don't use it!

[umm I'm tired, it's 11:30, I don't think I'm making much sense. I'm rambling.]